Francis Schmetz – Je Suis Ne Pas, dessins, objets, film super 8

Francis Schmetz's practice could be described as a search for meaning through the assembling of objects, the practice of drawing, writing and the use of Super 8 films. A quest in which the idea of "being" is constantly reformulated.

The title of the exhibition refers to a text that the artist wrote in 2002 and which could be considered as his poetic manifesto. Faithful to the idea that identity is not built by territory but by culture, Francis Schmetz's journey is marked by encounters and discoveries. Some of which include: The visual and physical experience of the mountains and in particular the Dolomites. The concept of the "useless gesture" that he inaugurated when he was invited to participate in an artistic event in Valencia, Spain and the learning of zazen, Chinese calligraphy, and writing in the broadest sense of the term.

Francis Schmetz was born in 1957 in Eupen, he lives and works in Liège and Brussels.