Florin Filleul
Smooth Operator

Vernissage: Freitag 20. August, 16 – 21h
Bis Samstag 18. September

In August 2021, the project space Links hosts the first solo exhibition in Bern by Belgian-Swiss artist Florin Filleul. He was born in 1993 in Basel and moved to the community of Schaerbeek in Brussels at age 17.

This biographical detail connects him with the protagonists of our summer show in the other gallery spaces: Harald Thys, Jos de Gruyter and Gust Duchateau.

They spent most summers of their lives in Belgium, more precisely Brussles, sometimes even Schaerbeek. At the end of August this year, they met in Bern at the invitation of Henri Racz for the exhibitions Our Summer in Belgium and Smooth Operator. They will probably drive on to Italy, because the pizza and the red wine are cheaper there than in Switzeraland, and taste better than in Belgium.